More from the children’s baking group

This month, our group of volunteers met again with our budding bakers to create some tasty treats.  These kids have really improved over the course of our sessions and we have the pictures to prove it!


This yummy morsel is a re-make of the traditional pineapple upside down cake.  By turning it into a cupcake, we achieved an  individual serving that was cute and tasty.  Pretty professional looking, isn’t it?



The next two entries came from our “Master Recipe Chooser”, Victoria, once again! The first is a banana split cupcake, which was a basic banana muffin topped with chocolate, sweet icing and a cherry…or not!



The last recipe was a rich and decadent chocolate peanut butter cheesecake which we baked in cupcake form to stay with the day’s theme.  The base was a Reese’s peanut butter cup.  We topped it with a no-bake cheesecake and sprinkled graham crumbs on top.  A drizzle of chocolate completed the look.  Oh, it was delicious alright, but a couple of bites was all that was needed to satisfy even the sweetest tooth in the group.

I’m so proud of the dedication and effort shown by these children.  We have one more session before we break for the summer.


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